Independent Review

In 1999 an independent review of the pilot phase of the CHM was undertaken for SBSTTA (decision IV/2 paragraph 10). The review process also developed a strategic plan and longer-term programme of work for the CHM. SBSTTA considered the review and the longer-term programme of work at its fifth meeting and adopted recommendation V/2, which was subsequently considered by COP 5. At its fifth meeting the COP:

  1. noted the report of the independent review of the pilot phase (document UNEP/CBD/COP/5/INF/2)
  2. endorsed a longer-term programme of work for the CHM (contained in document UNEP/CBD/COP/5/INF/4); and
  3. supported the implementation of a strategic plan for the CHM, which will become a component of the strategic plan for the Convention (document UNEP/CBD/COP/5/INF/3) (see section on Article 23)
    (decision V/14 paragraphs 1, 2, 4, 5).

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